Commercial & Corporate law

Commercial & Corporate law

The business world is evolving fast, spurred on by the pressures of a global market in which Israel has become a significant force. Thus businesses seeking legal advice and representation will need a lawyer who is equally at home in the courthouse and the board room.

Having a career consisting of fifteen years of hands-on experience managing industrial and commercial businesses, public service involvement, and decades of active legal practice provides Emanuel Weiser with invaluable experience to meet any business client's requirements. His understanding of the business world enables him to spare his clients from stumbling into pitfalls that to be extricated from would cost excessive amount of resources.

In addition to drafting contracts, setting up and dissolving companies, IP protection, licensing, and representation in court and government offices, Emanuel Weiser offers his clients dispute mitigation and arbitration services.

Emanuel Weiser has working relationships with lawyers in the USA, Europe, the UAE, and the Caribbean. His perspectives are thus far broader than Israel's boundaries. 

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